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The Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) administers the Missouri SAFHR programs.  MHDC is dedicated to strengthening communities and the lives of Missourians through the financing, development, and preservation of affordable housing.  MHDC was created in 1969 by the Missouri General Assembly.

This page provides helpful links and data for media usage.  For additional information, please contact

PArtner Pulse E-Newsletter

MHDC publishes a newsletter every other week with the latest news and updates on the SAFHR program.  It's the best way to keep informed about changes and new information on the program.

SAFHR Program Dashboard

The SAFHR Program Dashboard, updated every Friday, provides the latest information on approved awards and distribution of funds across Missouri.

ESG-CV and ERAP Dashboards

The ESG-CV and ERAP programs are COVID housing relief programs that preceded SAFHR.  These programs are now closed, but final funding information can be found on our full Spending Dashboard page.

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