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SAFHR for Landlords Logo


Eligibility is based on where your tenant lives, their household income, and whether they're at risk of losing their housing due to a financial hardship.


Where your Tenant lives

The tenant must be a resident of Missouri, and renting their primary residence (or applying for a previous address).

Tenant Household Income

The tenant household's estimated income must be at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) established by HUD - and based on the county and household size.


As part of the SAFHR application, landlords will select whether their tenant's household income falls in the 0-30% AMI range, 30-50% AMI range, or 50-80% AMI range.


Details on how to calculate household income, and how to look up your tenant's AMI range can be found here.  View the limits and more information here.


One or more members of the tenant household must be receiving unemployment benefits, and/or experienced financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Tenants do need not have been sick with COVID-19 - but they must have experienced a reduction in household income (as a result of a reduction in work hours, job loss, etc.), incurred significant costs, or other hardship.


Landlords and tenants must also attest to the tenant's risk of losing their residence (housing instability) or becoming homeless as a result of the financial hardship.


MHDC’s SAFHR program collects household information regarding income and employment status in the SAFHR application, which allows households that meet specific US Treasury criteria to be prioritized. The program seeks to provide assistance to all eligible households in need, but as program funds continue to be expended, households that have a household income below 50% Area Median Income (AMI) or households with one or more individuals that have not been employed for the 90-day period preceding the date of application will be prioritized. MHDC continually monitors the prioritization threshold to ensure that no less than 60% of all direct assistance is distributed on behalf of prioritized households.  If distribution of direct assistance falls below the prioritization threshold for specified households, MHDC will increase marketing and outreach to households that meet the prioritized criteria.

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